Dear visitor

Welcome to our website.
In the following, we would like to provide you with some information about the gynecological practice Frauenarztpraxis West and our services.

We are looking forward to your visit!



Prenatal Care

Is there anything as wonderful as bringing a new life to the world? Pregnancy nonetheless comes with plenty of questions. We are happy to answer them based on our many years of experience, so you can feel the comfort and security you need to enjoy your pregnancy. Our goal is to make this time as unique and carefree as possible.

We provide you with complete care before, during, and after your pregnancy, in cooperation with specialized practices and clinics if needed:

  • Best possible preparation for pregnancy
  • Prenatal care, including high-risk pregnancies
  • Invasive and non-invasive prenatal examinations (First Trimester Screening/Aneuploidy Screening, DNA-based blood screening test, Genetic Ultrasound, Flowmetry (called Doppler), Amniocentesis)
  • Infection screenings (Cytomegalovirus, Toxoplasmosis, Beta-Streptococcus etc.)

We are looking forward to helping you throughout this exciting journey.

Annual exams

The goal of the annual exam is to detect cancer or its precursors as early as possible in order to provide them with the most effective treatment. An annual exam is recommended for every women starting at age 20.

  • Cervical cancer screening
    (PAP and bimanual test)
  • Breast exam
  • Fecal occult blood test

Extended cancer care: medically recommended supplementary services!

  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Breast ultrasound
  • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) testing
  • Test for occult blood in the stool with the immunological stool test
  • ThinPrep test
  • Bladder exam

Oncology aftercare

The purpose of aftercare – the medical support provided after a treatment – is to provide long-term, comprehensive support and assistance.

The aim of oncology aftercare include

  • Detecting any relapse or further tumors as early as possible
  • Any possible side effects of the therapy are monitored and treated
  • Helping with any physical, mental or social problems. This may also involve treating the effects of the disease or therapy, as well as rehabilitation to help you get back on your feet and home with your family as soon as possible.

Duration of aftercare

Aftercare should never be time-limited. Even 20 years after treatment, women who have had breast cancer still have a higher risk for breast cancer. Awareness and active participation in early detection measures, such as self-examination, play an important role for breast cancer survivors. Any changes, including those to scars, should be reported to the physician.

Urinary Incontinence

Urogynecology involves the diagnosis of and therapy for disorders of the bladder and pelvic floor.

Please contact us with the following conditions:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Discomfort of the bladder
  • Uterine prolapse or Vaginal prolapse
  • Pelvic disorders during pregnancy or after childbirth

Talk to us!

Our incontinence services include these evaluation methods:

  • Pelvic floor exam
  • Perineal ultrasound (ultrasound examination of pelvic floor and urinary bladder)
  • Urodynamic study

In many cases positive results can be achieved with minimally-invasive options and a conservative therapy approach. We offer a variety of non-surgical treatment options, such as

  • Bladder and pelvic floor muscle training
  • Pessary fittings and management
  • Pelvic floor physical therapy and electrical stimulation
  • Bio-feedback treatments
  • Magnetic resonance therapy (see NeoControl pelvic floor therapy)

If you do end up needing surgical treatment, we collaborate with experienced doctors in a certified Pelvic Floor Therapy Center.

Infertility evaluation and treatment

Pre-conception counseling

It is important to have a consultation before becoming pregnant. We can help you ensure that your pregnancy gets off to the best possible start.

  • Nutritional advice, blood work, and testing for vitamin and nutrients levels
  • Vaccinations, including any you have missed
  • Menstral cycle monitoring, inlcuding vaginal ultrasounds
  • Pap Smear test for Chlamydia and other STD´s

If you are having difficulty getting pregnant, you are not alone. Approximately 10-15 percent of couples suffer from infertility from a variety of conditions.

The first step is to identify the causes of infertility. The diagnostic evaluation includes:

  • Hormone analysis
  • Assessment of ovarian reserve (Anti-Müller-Hormone)
  • Ultrasound scan of pelvic organs
  • Blood test for infection testing
  • Spermogram (semen analysis)
  • Laparoscopy to check for defects of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes

After diagnostic evaluation and counseling, we guide you through the fertility process and help you determine the best treatment options, in cooperation with infertility centres in Regensburg. Treatment steps may include:

  • Menstral period monitoring
  • Ovulation induction
  • Insemination
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Referral to genetic counseling if appropriate

Menopausal care

Most women experience the beginning of hormonal changes between 45 and 55 years. The ovarian production of female hormons is getting slower. Menopause brings the end of the menstrual cycle and reproductive years, but also major changes for the body. Hot flashes, perspiration, recurring rapid heartbeat, sleeping problems, irritability, depression, joint and back pain, vaginal dryness and incontinence are the most common symptoms. At this age, most women are still highly active and challenged, both professionally and privately.

Your personal well-being and the maintenance of your quality of life are important to us. We are happy to prepare a personal health plan for your optimal care and active prevention.

  • Hormone analysis
  • Bone Density Screening and Prevention of Osteoporosis
  • Extended gynacologycal care (tranvaginal and breast ultrasound scan)
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Prevention medicine


  • HPV-Vaccination

Birth control

Today there are more options than ever to enable you to take control of your life. Each type of birth control offers different types of advantages and disadvantages.

Contraception is a very personal decision You might need birth control for the very first time, you might look for a suitable option for the lactation period or you would like to just try another contraceptive. We will help you choose the form of birth control that works best for your needs and offers the most comfortable and most convenient solution based on your lifestyle, your sexual activity and your own personal preferences.

Taking your personal and family health history and a proper examination is very important before discussing your contraception needs.

We offer you the following birth control methods:

  • Oral contraceptive pills
  • Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
  • Contraceptive vaginal ring, contraceptive patch
  • Birth control implant
  • Birth control shot
  • IUD (copper)
  • Hormonal IUD
  • Diaphragm
  • Natural family planning (Fertility Awareness-Based Methods)

Lab services

We offer you the following laboratory tests:

  • Pregnancy test
  • Test for HIV
  • Test for Hepatitis
  • Test for Chlamydia
  • Urin test (bacteria, blood, proteins, sugar)
  • Hormone analysis (clarify whether you still can get pregnant, whether a hormone therapy is advisable, whether skin or hair problems are hormone-dependent.)

NeoControl pelvic floor therapy

NeoControl uses non-invasive electromagnetic stimulation to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and to improve incontinence through better neuromuscular control of the bladder. The treatment is completely painless, and you sit during therapy comfortable on the magnetic chair.

We offer you this innovative treatment against urin incontinence and other problems as the only practice in Regensburg. Get yourself under control again!

Prenatal diagnostic DEGUM II

Combined First Trimester Screening

The first trimester screening (nuchal translucency screening), one of the most important ultrasound scan during pregnancy is performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy.

In the first part of the scan we calculate the risk of the fetus having extra chromosomes, called trisomies. This test uses a combination of the mother´s age, hormones that come from the placenta and a sonogram measuring the pocket of fluid at baby´s neck. The screening test has a 90-93 % detection rate of Down-syndrome (Trisomy 21) and a 5 % false positive rate.
In the second part follows the evaluation of the whole fetus´s anatomy as far as possible in this early week of gestation. Most of the major anomalies can be already detected at this stage, but the main goal of the scan is to confirm normal development and reassure parents.
Thirdly the screening can be completed with a risk estimation for developing a preeclamspia after 20 weeks.

The screening can only be performed by physicians who are yearly certified. Dr. Jánky is certified for First Trimester Screening through the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) in London.

Cell-Free Fetal DNA Screening (NIPT)

With a DNA-based blood screening test you can detect chromosomal anomalies, as well as detect the gender. The test can exlude following conditions: Trisomies 13, 18 and 21, Turner-Syndrome, Klinefelter-Syndrome, Triple-X-Syndrome and XYY-Syndrome.

The test can be performed as early as 9th week of pregnancy. It has a very high detection rate for chromosomal anomalies (99,8 % for Down-Syndrome) but gives no hint at all about structural malformations of the fetus.

Thus, according to current recommendations, the NIPT is usually performed together with the first trimester screening.

Genetical Ultrasound

Baby's profile
The fetal heart
Three-dimensional picture of fetal spine
It's a boy!

At this scan between 20 and 22 weeks of pregnancy we check baby´s anatomy again, ideally as the second „full“ ultrasound scan after the first trimester screening. All the organs of the fetus are examined systematically, from brain and face down to the heart and extremities.
Furthermore we check the amount of amniotic fluid, the placenta as well as the blood flow in some arteries.

3rd Trimester Ultrasound Scan

Fetal Heart Ultrasound Scan

With a heart scan we check the baby´s heart in detail with a high resolution ultrasound maschine. In the vast majority of cases we rule out a heart condition. However in a few cases we diagnose a heart failure. The accurate diagnose allows an early consultation with pediatric cardiologists and pediatric heart surgeons, to provide optimum care before and after birth. In most of these cases we plan the delivery in a pediatric heart center with appropriate specialists.

When is the scan performed?
In principle, fetal heart can be checked beyond 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. About 50-60 % of heart conditions can be then detected. However the reliability of the scan at this early stage of pregnancy is limited due to small size of the heart, so that we recommend another scan later in pregnancy. The most favourable time for the heart scan is between 20-22 weeks, where specialists can detect up to 80 % of all heart conditions.

Of course a fetal heart scan can be performed at any stage of pregnancy by suspicion of a heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia or in existence of other malformations.

Blood Flow Measurement

Blood flow in a maternal artery

The Doppler scan is a special ultrasound technique to measure blood flow velocitiy and resistance in the vessels of the uterus as well as in baby´s vessels and organs. From the obtained data conclusions can be drawn about the adequate supply of the child with nutrients and oxygen, as well as on cardiac and circulatory function.

Most commonly we measure the blood flow in the umbilical cord and brain arteries of the baby and in the uterine arteries of the mother.

3D/4D Fetal Imaging

The 3D ultrasound is an ultrasound examination which is extended by one dimension opposite the two-dimensional and thus it is possible to represent the unborn child as well as its body parts spatially. In the case of the 4D ultrasound, the time is added as a 4th dimension, ie the three-dimensional image is generated in real time. For this reason, the 4D ultrasound is also called live 3D ultrasound. This results in a constantly updated, three-dimensional image on the monitor in which the child movements can be displayed in real time.

The examination can be used as a supplement to the conventional ultrasound examination for special questions, to the exclusion or detection of some malformations, but of course also at the request of the pregnant woman.

When is the best time for the scan?
The most beautiful pictures can be made in the second trimester between 24.-30. pregnancy week. The quality of the images depends on various factors, e.g. the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the maternal abdominal wall, the location of the placenta and the baby´s position.

What should you pay attention to?
Please do not put any creams or lotions on your belly on the day of the examination.

How long does the scan take?
The 3D / 4D ultrasound examination takes 15-45 minutes depending on the ultrasound conditions and indication.


Breast Consultation DEGUM II

What is this service about?

The senology deals with the clarification and treatment of diseases of the breast.

Pain or nodes in breast lead to concern and anxiety. Using high-resolution breast ultrasound, both breasts and the lymph nodes can be examined without pain and radiation.

Dr. Jánky has long years of senological experience. She has been treating breast-cancer patients for many years at the Breast Center in Amberg. She also holds the DEGUM II qualification for breast ultrasound (mammasonography) and participates in regular training and congresses.


  • Breast ultrasound in women without symptoms as extended cancer care
  • Clear up suspect palpation findings or pain in the breast
  • Biopsy of breast or lymph node tissue (core biopsy, fine needle aspiration)
  • Genetic counseling
  • Breast cancer aftercare
  • Intensive breast cancer screening in women with high frequency of breast cancer in the family

Invasive procedures / Biopsy

Core biopsy, fine needle aspiration

In the case of unclear findings, which are noticed during the examination, ultrasound scan or mammography, we can usually immediately take a tissue sample in local anesthesia under ultrasound control with a thin needle, which can be studied in the lab to see if cancer cells are present. The biopsy takes about 5-10 minutes and then you can follow your everyday activities without restriction.


Usually it takes 1-2 days to get the result of the biopsy, so you get a diagnosis in a very short time. Fortunately most biopsy result are not a cancer. But sometimes you may need another biopsy or a surgery to get a definitive diagnosis.

The care of our patients with breast cancer is based on national and international guidelines in cooperation with certified breast care centers.

Meet Our Doctors and Staff
Let us introduce our staff and office.625

Dr. Andrea Jánky, MD

  • Medical doctor - Obstetrics and Gynecology Physician

  • Languages: German, Hungarian, English, Romanian

  • Medical School: Semmelweis University Faculty of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary

  • Board Certification in Germany

  • Residency and senior assistant at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology / Breast Care Center of Klinikum St. Marien in Amberg

  • Qualification Level II for gynacological and obstetric ultrasound (called DEGUM II)

  • Qualification Level II for breast ultrasound (called DEGUM II)

  • 2011-2012 Fellowship in prenatal medicine (Harris Birthright Research Centre, King´s College Hospital, London)

  • Certificate of competence for First Trimester Screening (Fetal Medicine Foundation, FMF London)

  • Since 01.01.2017 in the Women´s Health Practice West

Dr. med. Tonia Greiner, MD

Medical doctor - Obstetrics and Gynecology Physician

Languages: German, English, French

Medical School: Charité Medical University, Berlin

Board Certification in Germany

Residency at Vivantes Krankenhaus am Urban in Berlin

Member of the German Menopause Society (DMG)

Since October 2020 in the Frauenarztpraxis West

Mrs. Joanna Skollik
  • Medical assistant
  • Languages: German, Polish
Mrs. Victoria Horich
  • Medical assistant
  • Languages: German, English
  • Currently on maternity leave
Mrs. Heidi Zenk
  • Office assistant
Mrs. Olga Tschurilow
  • Office Assistant
  • Languages: German, Russian
Mrs. Anca Sacks
  • Medical assistant
  • Languages: German, Romanian
  • Currently on maternity leave

Qualifications and memberships


  • Medical doctor - Obstetrics and Gynecology Physician

  • Specialisation in Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine

  • Fetal heart scan

  • Qualification Level II for gynacological and obstetric ultrasound (called DEGUM II)

  • Qualification Level II for breast ultrasound (called DEGUM II)

  • Certificate of competence for First Trimester Screening (Fetal Medicine Foundation, FMF London)

  • DMP-License („Disease Management Program“) for breast cancer

Professional Organizations Memberships

  • German College of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  • German Society of Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine

  • German Society of Ultrasound in Medicine

  • Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF London)

  • International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)

  • Quality circle Regensburg

  • Oncology Centre Regensburg

Our Office


Wheelchair accessible restroom is available right next to our Office on the 2nd floor.

There is an underground parking garage in the building for free of charge. You can also park in the parking lot behind the building.

We are happy to remind you of your next annual exam.
Just let us know if you’re insterested in such reminders.

Office hours

   7:45 - 16:45
   7:45 - 16:45
   8:15 - 12:15
   8:15 - 19:00 
   7:45 - 12:30
Private appointments
Tuesday        9:00 - 10:00
Thursday     14:00 - 15:00



Frauenarztpraxis West
Ziegetsdorferstr. 113
93051 Regensburg

Phone: 0941 41171
Fax: 0941 41172
E-Mail: info(a)

NO medical questions or appointment requests
are answered by Mail!

Directions by bus

Bus line 4 and 10
Bus stop: Dechbetten
Bus line 1
Bus stop: Lilienthalstraße

Prescription request

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